Tuesday, November 29, 2011

cold desert

Here's to you, here's to me
On to us, nobody knows
Nobody sees, nobody but me

Thursday, November 10, 2011

words to NOT live by

strike “overwhelmed” from your vocabulary

Your plate is full, right? 
You’ve been at this for a while.
Life is your kind of kuh-raz-eee.
And then it gets fuller, and the time has come, or there’s a curve-ball, and things get well n’ truly wild.
And you could say, because it’s your right to, that you’re feeling “overwhelmed”. But don’t. Don’t go there. Stay with me, on the light side of change and bursting creativity; on the front end of pressure, and greatness, and the best and worst kinds of challenges.
Back away from overwhelm. Because when you just utter that word, you cast doubt on your capacity to rise. You let angst flop on your couch. You fret that you might not have the resources to surmount obstacles or to seal the deal on your dream.

: you put everything on your plate with intention, and you have a huge say in creating your reality.Let's make a pact. If you slip and use the o-word, I'll refuse to believe you. I’m going to act like you didn’t even say it, and I’m going to remind you that
: you’ve been watering your dreams for years and you’re going to get what you ask for and allow (ya!)
: tragic circumstances or a circus of success -- you’ve got what it takes to meet life with more giving.
Ban "overwhelmed" from your vocabulary. Refuse it entry to your psyche. You’re bigger than that.
Just be, you know, whelmed (this is best said with a Jewish, Brooklyn accent.)
Whelmed. Not at full capacity, rather, full of capacity.
Whelmed. Sounds full of potential, doesn’t it?

sugar coated world


Monday, September 26, 2011

light bright

september is finally on its way out,
and i am beginning to feel relief from saturn.
today was a good day.
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

i wish

today my friend and i were making wish lists...
sometimes its fun to think of all the things you want,
just don't get too greedy!

...the BBC Pride and prejudice dvd
a cupon book for bear hugs
via dinolalala

tickets to the jets/patriots game
to borrow gwneth paltrow's personal chef
frye engineer boots in black
a white christmas
ice skates with a pink fluffy sweater to wear with them
a never-ending bag of gummi bears and sour straws
a puppy and kitty who are best friends
an ice skating date (wearing said ice skates/pink sweater) with fairy lights in all the trees and light snow 
via weheartit

a letter from hogwarts
carbs that don't make you fat
a wood fired bread oven
diet wine
a beautiful farmhouse with an all white interior
via whiteironstonecottage

to go to a taylor swift concert
to go apple picking...

free people

a beautiful visual
<3 free people

Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

what else is there?


you ain't getting ahold of me

these guys make excellent workout partners
no judgement
endless energy
cruisin' around the high T's

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011