Monday, September 26, 2011

light bright

september is finally on its way out,
and i am beginning to feel relief from saturn.
today was a good day.
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

i wish

today my friend and i were making wish lists...
sometimes its fun to think of all the things you want,
just don't get too greedy!

...the BBC Pride and prejudice dvd
a cupon book for bear hugs
via dinolalala

tickets to the jets/patriots game
to borrow gwneth paltrow's personal chef
frye engineer boots in black
a white christmas
ice skates with a pink fluffy sweater to wear with them
a never-ending bag of gummi bears and sour straws
a puppy and kitty who are best friends
an ice skating date (wearing said ice skates/pink sweater) with fairy lights in all the trees and light snow 
via weheartit

a letter from hogwarts
carbs that don't make you fat
a wood fired bread oven
diet wine
a beautiful farmhouse with an all white interior
via whiteironstonecottage

to go to a taylor swift concert
to go apple picking...

free people

a beautiful visual
<3 free people